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Founded in the USA. We respect your privacy.

Used by 12,000+ happy employees

JULY 17, 2024

SafeBanker®: Enhancing Executive Security with Mobile Safety Solutions

In an era where high-profile individuals are increasingly vulnerable to a variety of threats, the need for robust financial institution executive protection has never been greater. The SafeBanker® mobile safety application offers a comprehensive solution designed to ensure the safety and security of financial institution executives. This white paper outlines the features and benefits of SafeBanker®, demonstrating how it provides real-time information, geolocation, and live audio and video streaming to a 24/7 live monitoring operator, thereby enhancing the overall security framework for executives and their families.


Financial institution executives and high-profile individuals are often targeted due to their visibility and the critical roles they play within organizations. Traditional security measures may not be sufficient to address the dynamic and evolving nature of threats. SafeBanker® is a mobile safety application specifically designed to offer advanced protection for executives by leveraging real-time data and continuous monitoring.

Key Features of SafeBanker®

  1. Real-Time Monitoring -

    • In the event of an emergency or situations where the executive might feel unsafe, SafeBanker® provides updates about the executive’s environment and status, ensuring that security monitoring is ready to dispatch authorities if needed. The system does not track location unless activated by the executive in an emergency.

  2. Geolocation Tracking

    • The application offers precise geolocation tracking, allowing our monitoring partner the ability to share the executive's location in real time. This feature is critical for ensuring the executive’s safety during travel and in unpredictable situations.

  3. Live Audio and Video Streaming

    • SafeBanker® enables live audio and video streaming from the executive's device to a 24/7 monitoring center. This provides immediate situational awareness and allows for rapid response to any emerging threats. The user has the ability to communicate with monitoring by call, video call, and chat.

  4. Emergency Alerts

    • The app features a panic button that, when activated, sends an immediate alert to the monitoring center, along with the executive’s location and live audio/video feed. This ensures a quick and coordinated response to emergencies.

  5. Secure Communication Channels

    • All communications between the executive and the monitoring center are encrypted, ensuring confidentiality and security.

  6. Biometric Authentication

    • SafeBanker® supports biometric authentication, such as fingerprint and facial recognition, to ensure that only the authorized executive can access the app’s features.

  7. User-Friendly Interface

    • The app is designed for ease of use, ensuring that executives can quickly and effortlessly engage its features, even under stress.

Benefits to Organizations and Executives

  • Enhanced Security

    • SafeBanker®’s comprehensive suite of features significantly enhances the security of high-profile individuals. Real-time tracking, live streaming, and emergency alerts ensure that potential threats are identified and mitigated promptly.

  • Immediate Response

    • With 24/7 live monitoring and the ability to stream live audio and video, security teams can respond to incidents in real time, drastically reducing response times and improving the chances of a successful resolution.

  • Increased Peace of Mind

    • Executives can perform their duties and travel with greater confidence, knowing that their security is being actively monitored and managed. This peace of mind is invaluable and can lead to improved productivity and focus.

  • Customizable Alerts and Notifications

    • The application allows for customizable alerts and notifications, ensuring that security teams are only alerted to pertinent information, improving response efficiency.

  • Legal and Compliance Benefits

    • By utilizing a robust security application like SafeBanker®, financial institutions demonstrate their commitment to the safety and well-being of their executives, which can be crucial for legal and compliance purposes.

  • Cost Efficiency

    • While traditional executive protection services can be costly, SafeBanker® provides a cost-effective alternative by leveraging technology to offer both in-branch and mobile monitoring and real-time response capabilities.


SafeBanker® represents a significant advancement in the realm of executive protection. By leveraging the devices we carry every day, real-time information, geolocation, and live audio and video streaming, the application provides unparalleled security for high-profile individuals. Implementing SafeBanker® not only enhances the safety of executives but also offers numerous benefits to financial institutions, including improved response times, increased peace of mind, and cost efficiency.

For further information and to discuss how SafeBanker® can be tailored to your organization's specific needs, please contact our team.

About SafeBanker®

SafeBanker® is developed by SaferMobility, a leader in innovative security solutions for 911, corporate security, and financial institutions. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge technology that empowers organizations to protect their most valuable assets – their people. For more information, visit, or contact us at

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

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