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Founded in the USA. We respect your privacy.

Used by 12,000+ happy employees

JUNE 5, 2024

Are Your Financial Institution’s Security Measures Stuck in the Past?

Just a few decades ago, banks operated in a vastly different landscape. Paper ledgers dominated record-keeping, and rudimentary signals such as cards in windows, umbrellas, or window shades were used to indicate safe openings and closings. The banking world was manual, fragmented, and often fraught with unclear security measures that left much to be desired in terms of efficiency and safety.

Fast forward to today, and we see a banking environment transformed by digital innovation. Modern banks leverage digital Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, universal bankers, and cloud-based environments. Cash transactions have diminished, but perplexing and outdated signals for safe openings and closings persist, posing significant security risks.

SafeBanker® and SafeResource®: The Answer for Safe Openings and Closings

SafeBanker® and SafeResource® are revolutionary app-based tools designed to address the opening and closing gaps and propel your financial institution to the forefront of banking security and efficiency. Here's why these tools are indispensable:

Multi-Departmental Approach and Integration

SafeBanker® and SafeResource® benefit from a comprehensive, multi-departmental approach. From the opening and closing staff to physical security and the Compliance Officer, these tools offer an easy-to-use, robust technology platform. They provide seamless insights and tracking of opening and closing procedures while allowing staff to confidentially and securely signal a safe opening to additional staff and stay directly connected to live monitoring in case of an emergency.

Additionally, SafeBanker® and SafeResource® integrate seamlessly with existing platforms, ensuring smooth adoption and utilization across your institution. This integration minimizes disruption and maximizes operational synergy, allowing different departments to collaborate more effectively. These solutions are designed to be adaptable and compatible with various banking systems, facilitating a cohesive operational environment.

Compliance and Beyond

These tools are designed to meet and exceed compliance requirements under the Bank Protection Act. With SafeBanker® and SafeResource®, your institution not only adheres to regulatory standards but also sets a benchmark in security and operational excellence. By automating compliance processes and providing real-time auditable updates, these tools help banks stay ahead of regulatory changes and avoid costly penalties.

High Return on Investment

Investing in SafeBanker® and SafeResource® offers a high return on investment. These low-cost solutions add immense value to financial institutions by enhancing security measures, streamlining operations, providing auditable compliance capabilities, and ultimately protecting your most valuable assets—your employees and customers. The implementation of these tools has led to significant cost savings and operational efficiencies for numerous financial institutions.

Enhanced Safety Measures

The primary goal of SafeBanker® and SafeResource® is to ensure the highest level of safety for your staff and customers. Today, over 2 million safe openings and closings have occurred as a result of SafeBanker® and SafeResource®. These tools provide comprehensive protection, starting from when individuals step onto your property, covering the parking lot to the location entrance and beyond. By safeguarding people at their most vulnerable moments, these tools offer peace of mind and a secure environment.

Why Choose SafeBanker® and SafeResource®?

  • Modernize Security Protocols: Move away from outdated and unclear signals to advanced, reliable digital solutions.

  • Boost Operational Efficiency: Integrate seamlessly with existing systems, enhancing coordination and reducing manual efforts.

  • Ensure Regulatory Compliance: Stay ahead of compliance requirements and avoid costly penalties.

  • Maximize ROI: Benefit from a cost-effective investment that delivers significant returns in security and efficiency.

  • Protect Your People: Prioritize the safety of your employees and customers with cutting-edge technology.

A New Era of Banking Security

Transitioning from the antiquated methods of the past to the advanced, secure, and efficient tools of today is not just an option—it's a necessity. SafeBanker® and SafeResource® are the future of financial institution security, offering unparalleled benefits that protect your institution and its people at every step.

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

Elevate your security protocols

Don't compromise on security. SafeBanker® not only reduces costs and limits liability but also enhances overall security measures for your bank.

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